February 01, 2012

Cards for Little Ones

These cards are actually the ones I started with for the craft fair. They are really sweet but, man, are they labor-intensive. Some day, if I'm making oodles of money, maybe I'll invest in a Cricut. For now, I will regard my card stock-cutting as therapeutic (which it kind of is). 

First up: elephant! He's really excited to present his balloon bouquet. 
8.5 x 4 in, 110lb card stock, "turning one is tons of fun!" printed with card stock elephant and orange balloons attached with Zots. Inside reads: "Happy Birthday!" 

Next up: giraffe! He's not really sure what to do with himself. But I imagine part of his insecurity stems from being much taller than everyone else. I cut out the giraffe in yellow and the little textured pieces in brown and glued them on one by one. Phew. 
 8.5 x 4 in, 110lb card stock, "Birthdays are BIG fun!" printed with card stock giraffe attached with Zots. Inside reads: "Happy Birthday!" 

Finally: turtle! This lil' guy is late to the party - typical. But it's understandable since he's carrying all of those gifts. We forgive you, turtle. 
8.5 x 4 in, 110lb card stock, "Sorry I'm late!" printed with card stock turtle (his pattern drawn with pen) and card stock gifts attached with Zots. Inside reads: "Happy Belated Birthday!"

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